How iLs helped a client with attention, auditory processing and noise sensitivities

Integrated Listening System, also known as ILS, is an intensive auditory program used for clients with concerns regarding attention skills, impulse control, self-regulation skills, executive function skills, auditory processing and noise sensitivities. ILS provides multisensory input to help develop new and support existing pathways that focuses on organization of the body and brain function. Clients listen to music with specialized headphones that is delivered through air (ears) and bone conduction (vibration on top of the head).

Case study: An 8-year old girl who presented challenges with attention/concentration skills, constant seeking movement and tactile input throughout the day, easily overwhelmed and distracted in busy crowded settings, weak core/postural support and becoming frustrated easily. These areas impacted her ability to participate across all environments, especially school. She struggled to tolerate and discriminate various auditory input. She would often look around the room to watch all action occurring (ie. peer sneezing, peer getting up to throw item away, teacher walking around the class, etc). Also, in loud busy settings (ie. gym class) would become overwhelmed and result in increase in alertness which then displayed acting out behavior, not listening to directions, talking loudly, and unable to sit still. When presented tasks perceived as challenging she would either react in a large manner (ie. yell, hit) or shutdown (ie. head down, unable to communicate). These areas impacted her ability to participate in daily routine at school but also interact with peers in a positive manner.

After completing ILS (focus and attention programs), her mother and family, OT, school team and peers have seen great gains. She is able to express how she is feeling in the moment of frustration or upset and provide reasoning for these emotions. She has become more accepting of adult support/redirection. Overall, her ability to manage her anger and frustration has improved and seen a significant decrease in outbursts. She is able to follow routine at school and complete school work that challenges her. She is initiating and completing morning and bedtime routine on her own. Busy settings (ie. gym class, playground, indoor park) are no longer challenging situations and is able to engage in a positive manner. For the first time she is seeking out making friendships and peers also begun to seek playing with her. One peer stated she is "calmer than she use to be." ILS has made school, home and community life more enjoyable and easier not only for the client but also her family.